Things to enjoy during Cricket Match Telecast
Cricket World Cup '11 has started with a bang. The Inaugural match between India & Bangladesh is on while writing this blog. India has put a mammoth target of 370 runs in front of Bangladesh. Match is quite interesting as the host have fought well and has scored 264 till now, but still India is at better position. Everyone is glued to their TV set as the match is quite interesting. But have you noticed that there is something else that makes the matches more interesting. Yes, its the innovative and fresh advertisements that are broad casted during breaks. I personally enjoy them very much. You must have noticed the difference in ads broad casted during cricket season. Almost all of them will have a taste of cricket will a new look and new theme. Every advertisement better than other. With cricket breaking the demographic barrier the advertisements also does the same. You can find ads for every class and every age. Unlike conventional TV programs here almost all products can be showcased on a single platform. A boon for the marketing manager where they don't have to relate the program with their products in which their ads will be showcased. It's also a win win situation for advertisement firms when most of the products come up with new advertisements. So lets hope for interesting advertisements along with competitive matches during this world cup and pray for India to win.
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