
Friday, February 10, 2006

B- School Matrix

With the boom of Indian as well as the world economy the demand for managers is also rising. Companies are offering fat salary packages to get the best in the market and with this the craze of MBA is also rising among the students. Students from every field be it medicine, engineering, IT, commerce or arts are running in the mad rush. The private institutes are utilising this golden opportunity to make money. With no restriction or guidlines from the Indian goverment these inst. are using every way to attract the students. The fascinating advertisments mixed with fifty percent myth are sufficient to attract the confused students. B-Schools are mushrooming in every nook and corner of India. Even some space in centrally located shopping complex is sufficient to make money. The government should lay some guidelines to control this practise. Until and unless the quality is maintained the craze won't last long and this would indirectly hamper the growth of indian economy